
Et à part la musique, qu'est-ce que vous faites?


Tuesday 10 July
21:00 - 22:00: La Perchée
Wednesday 11 July
20:45 - 21:45: La Perchée

Compagnie Marielle Pinsard (Suisse)


There’s a new talk show in town: “Autopsie d'un succès” (The Autopsy of Success), hosted by Michel Zendali. Today, the program features Mark Morris, a Swiss songwriter known for spawning hits, as well as his guests. By painting a portrait of the unheralded musician’s career through interviews, archived images and various testimonies, the talk show delves into trends of decades past and attempts to unravel the recipe of this rich, yet discreet, country's success.



Host : Michel Zendali

Guests : Mark Morris // Yvette Théraulaz // TBA

Studio Floor Manager : Marielle Pinsard

Audio Remastering : Marcin de Morsier

Research | Artistic Collaboration : Marielle Pinsard // Marcin de Morsier

Lighting : Nidea Henriques

This project was made possible through support from Ville de Lausanne.
