
Ce qui m'est dû


Friday 13 July
20:00 - 21:00: Place St-Maur
Saturday 14 July
19:30 - 20:30: Place St-Maur
Sunday 15 July
19:15 - 20:15: Place St-Maur

La Débordante Cie (France)

Theatre - Dance

What are we owed? What do we owe, and to whom? “Ce qui m’est dû” (What I Am Owed) is a dialogue where words and gestures carry awareness and engagement within one movement. Drawing from the reflections of Naomi Klein, André Gorz and the “Comité Invisible” (Invisible Committee), the duo invites us to question our reference points and maybe try adopting different ones.

What am I owed.
What do I owe.
Who am I indebted to, and by how much. What do I know of the world which surrounds and constitutes me.
All these things I consume, where do they come from? Who informs me about the state of the world ?
Who practises politics and for whom. Who talks.

It's my story ; of a dancer, who questions the world through her art, my woman's story, my story of a militant, my story whithin society, my story to change my life, my story to change society. 
It is one of our stories.



With : Héloise Desfarges // Antoine Raimondi

Written by : Héloise Desfarges // Antoine Raimondi // Jérémie Bergerac

Mise-en-scène : Jérémie Bergerac

With the support of Collectif Curry Vavart, le Jardin de Verre et le Jardin d’Alice – Paris, Animakt – Saulx-les-Chartreux
