
Ensemble Batida & Hécatombe


Wednesday 11 July
20:00 - 21:00: La Face Nord

Ensemble Batida & Hécatombe (Suisse)

Contemporary Music

This ensemble of five percussionists and pianists embody innovation without disavowing their classical background. They blend the acoustic beauty of percussions with the wider aural spectrum of electronic music.  Oblikvaj is an astounding adventure in which the musicians interpret graphic partitions created by illustrators working for publisher Hécatombe.



Composer/Musician | Percussion | Magnet Rhythm | Objects | Vocals : Alexandra Bellon

Composer/Musician | Percussion | Zither | Vocals : Anne Briset 

Composer/Musician | Theremin | Percussions | Vocals : Jeanne Larrouturou

Synthesizer | Vocals : Raphael Krajka

Synthesizer | Bass | Vocals : Viva Sanchez Reinoso

Audio Engineer | Composer : David Poissonnier

Composer/Illustrator : Yannis La Machia // Aude Barrio // Barbara Meuli // Antoine Fischer // Thomas Perrodin

Support : Fondation Nicati-De Luze Fondation Nestlé pour l'ArtPro HelvetiaRépublique et Canton de Genève
